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Adventures in Scotland

2017 remembered in hikes and bikes

wilderness glamping

On January 10, 2018 By Rebecca Field

2017 remembered

The best of 2017 for Scot Mountain Holidays – 19 years in the Cairngorms!

In January we were fortunate enough to meet a group of novice winter walkers from Barings Bank all keen to learn new skills and experience Scotland in winter. They were lucky enough to time their visit to coincide with the most wintry weekend of January 2017.

winter walkers

High in the Cairngorms, January 2017


First outing of the Tentipi in Knoydart made for quite an adventure in Barisdale, though unfortunately not a lot of snow.

The stories they had … survival of the fittest under trying and wet circumstances:

Knoydart winter walking

Do the pictures say 1000 words? What do you think the whole story would involve?

Inside the Tentipi with the glorious explorers – check out the drying system.

Would this be a welcoming sight at the end of a day’s hike? Warm, light and food.

This is the reason for being out with the Tentipi. What a day out.

What was the full story? Ask Andy for details. Definitely one for the memoires.

We all know that the 2017 season was not at its best in terms of snow. We did still manage to run all our snow hole expeditions. None of our groups retreated.

Certainly Challenge Sophie

and the Lonely Planet team seemed to have a great time out in the Cairngorms.

The Lonely Planet team out in the Cairngorms with Scot Mountain Holidays

May Day 4000ers

More snow at the end of April in 2017 than we saw for a lot of the winter season. The 4000ers group were treated to several avalanche sightings as they completed their route around Braeriach, Angel’s Peak etc.


walking in the Cairngorms

Avalanche debris at the beginning of May in the Cairngorms National Park (2017)

walking in Scotland

The hikers in the sunshine deep in the heart of the Cairngorms National Park (more snow than most of January).

guided walking in Scotland

Admiring the view, early May 2017 in the Cairngorms

winter in Scotland

Check out the potential avalanche sites on the head wall. You can see how the corrie came to be made

Lewis, Harris and Skye

We had an amazing week in the Outer Hebrides. The ladies loved paddling along the white sand beaches. Heading back in September if there’s enough interest. Check out the photos.

2017 walking

Paddling on the beach at Harris

Hebridean hiking

Heading down to civilisation from the hill tops of Harris

walking in the outer Hebrides

Admiring the seemingly endless wilderness views from the hills of Harris

2017 remembered

Endless beach views along the western shores of Harris

walking in the Hebrides

Paddling along the white sand beaches of Harris

Unfortunately the weather didn’t really hold out for the group who came to do the Skye Munros later in the month (unfinished business for some perhaps?) but towards the end of the week, we still have some amazing weather.

skye munros

High in the Cuillin mountains of Skye

Cuillin mountains Skye

The magic of Skye


skye Munros

Stunning views across Skye


Skye munros

Enjoying a well-deserved break with views in the Cuillin hills


skye 2017

Checking out the view across the Cuillins in Skye.

Skye Cuillin

Popular view of the Cuillin mountains from the Sligachan area.

skye cuillin 2017

On top of a cold grey Cuillin Munro


Self-guided mountain biking in the Cairngorms

We’re working with some French partners to introduce more of our international guests to the glories of hiking and mountain biking in the Highlands of Scotland. In June 2017, we met a lovely group of mountain bikers who stayed a week at Fraoch Lodge, exploring some of the classic routes and also the Glenlivet area.

2017 remembered

A profitable visit to the Whisky Castle for both sides: the cyclists and the shop

We also ran a trial weekend in Knoydart with the Tentipi for a friend’s 50th birthday.

Knoydart wilderness

Relaxing outside the tentipi as the whole crew gathers to celebrate

knoydart glamping weekend

Check out the gourmet options available on a luxury wilderness glamping experience.

Goodbye to Mick

Many of you may have met Mick as in the course of our last 19 years here in Scotland, Mick Wansborough has probably been are most “frequent flyer”. So much so that Mick has lost track of how many times he’s been on our trips.

These are Mick’s parting words as he won’t be able to  participate in any future trips due to ill health in his family:

“I have had many (15?16?) enjoyable times with Scot Mountain Holidays. Andy always devises varied and interesting itineraries and, although I regarded myself as a reasonably experienced fell-walker, I have learnt much from Andy’s guidance and advice and have gained in confidence. And Rebecca’s catering is superb – just the thing for a hard day’s hill-walking

I wish you both continuing success – you deserve it. As I’ve said before: you both work very hard and are both very good at what you do!”

We are very sorry to lose Mick but he will be fondly remembered on all future trips. Someone else will now have to step up to Mick’s self-appointed position of “shop steward” on the walks.

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