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Fraoch Lodge & The Cairngorms National Park

Review: Carve Carrbridge – a family friendly event in the Cairngorms

On January 4, 2017 By Noah Williams

Cairngorms events – Carve Carrbridge

Chainsaw carving exhibition in Carrbridge

Here at Scot Mountain Holidays we never cease to be inspired by and in awe of the talent which produces the local arts and crafts, and this September 3rda family favourite event, showcasing exceptional creativity, returns to the Cairngorms.

Carve Carrbridgeis an annual Scottish open carving competition which takes place in the village sports field, 4 miles from Fraoch Lodge (cycling distance, according to Rebecca, whose done it several times! You can cycle either on or off-road.)

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The details

The event has stands for spectators who can watch the competition live, as top chainsaw carvers from around the world compete for prize money and the coveted Claymore trophy. Some competitors come from as far as the US or Europe to compete amongst UK’s own.

It’s a wonderful opportunity for families to get outside and hear live music, partake in activities, games and stalls and treat themselves to local food and drink. Not to mention a traditional Scotland Highland event.

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Mountain lion

The creativity of the competitors is simply amazing. They take what looks like nothing more than a chunk of tree to create visually stunning pieces of art. Wolves, eagles, people, and even landscapes are common inspiration. One memorable year a carver created a man with ball and chain!

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There is also speed carving segment with a different theme each year (in most recent memory, it was owls). To see them created before your eyes at improbable speeds is simply astounding.

Bonus results

It’s always exciting to attend Carve Carrbridge and see what the artists have in store for the season. This is a highly recommended event for couples, families, friends and solo travellers alike. Carrbridge is a charming Highland village with warm welcomes for its international visitors. They also host the World Porridge Making Championship, this year will be its 23rd Annual Golden Spurtle(the lucky best porridge maker’s prize).

We hope you come to stay with us at Froach Lodge just outside Carrbridge and join in on the fun!

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