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Fraoch Lodge & The Cairngorms National Park

Top Active Autumn Events (Cairngorms)

On October 10, 2014 By Noah Williams

Top Events and Things to do for this autumn

The events and sights listed below are in no particular order, even though we numbered them.


Keep active and enjoy the outdoors:

Why autumn? Autumn colours: long dry September will mean excellent colours in the leaves this year but also the best time of year for sunrises and sunsets.

– Walking, whisky and wildlife – the epitome of autumn:

Mountains and Malts– a relatively gentle short hiking break in whisky country taking in the whole of the whisky experience from the making of the barrels to the sampling of the final product, including of course a visit to a distillery. Next date at end of October during what is half term for a lot of the English schools. Full details: https://scotmountainholidays.com/tours/19/4871/mountains-and-malts

Autumn Munros– a full week of walking in the glory of the autumn colours which are truly one of the glories here in the Highlands which go massively underappreciated. In many ways this is a more spectacular time of year to visit than the height of the summer season as although you don’t get the heather in full bloom you do get to see the sunrise, sunset and autumnal colours of the grasses, moss and trees; plus harvesting and foraging opportunites nature throws your way. Don’t forget this is also the time to see the red deer stags in their prime – the rut will be in full flow. Quite a spooky sound sometimes in keeping with the season. Full details: https://scotmountainholidays.com/tours/20/4871/autumn-munros


Hike & Bike– the ultimate way to explore the Cairngorms. The Park is so large that really utilising the mountain bike is the only way to access some of the hills and still make it home for a comfortable night’s sleep, feet up in front of the fire and a sumptuous dinner. For full details: https://www.scotmountainholidays.com/tours/31/4871/hike-n-bike-weekend

Big Mountain Weekend– at this time of year you have an excellent chance of experiencing a glorious sunset at the end of your walk as the daylight is relatively short however the colours in the soft light are truly stunning. (Price includes bike hire. Please contact us if you’re intending to bring your own bike.): https://www.scotmountainholidays.com/tours/30/4871/big-mountain-weekend

Get off the Beaten Track– Take a day’s guiding/navigation training with Andy as the ultimate introduction to the area. He’ll reveal facts and stories about the Cairngorms you’ll not find out without his guidance. He really is an expert on all aspects of the park and is genuinely interested in virtually all aspects of the outdoor environment here from: wildlife to geology. You can then follow this up with 2 or more days out on your own on a route suggested by Andy after thorough consultation with the weather gods and yourselves for the best possible routes to suit. Please contact us for a quote.


Blairgowrie Walking Festival –

the festival is arranged by a voluntary group and has been fully subscrived in recent years so pre-booking for all the organised events is encouraged. For further details: http://www.walkingfestival.org/

Ride like a Gurrl –

a popular mountain biking event in September for women only. Tickets sold out in 2014 – get in early if you want to participate. Fraoch Lodge makes a convenient base and Scot Mountain Holidays can offer transport to the race start if required. Why not combine the event with a family weekend. Check out our other blogs for ideas the kids can do while Mum is racing. For full details go to the club website: http://www.petalpowerbiking.co.uk/

Local single track biking

Loch Ness Marathon

end of September. Entries open for 2015 already. International tour operators already partner with the Loch Ness marathon which has the potential to sell out of places. Scot Mountain Holidays can offer a package around the marathon including accommodation and transport plus a tailored menu for all runners. Contact us for details. For full details about the Baxters Loch Ness Marathon: http://www.lochnessmarathon.com/

Cairngorm Adventure Triathlon

late September. A variation on the regular swim – cycle – run. An exciting and challenging event in the outstanding and unique environment of the Cairngorms National Park – a special habitat for a diverse range of wildlife. The organisers acknowledge the invaluable support of Rothiemurchus Estate, Glenmore Forest Park and Pityoulish Estate in helping us ensure that as well being competitive and enjoyable that the CAT is also environmentally sustainable.

Canadian Canoe – 3km around Loch Morlich – Mountain Bike – 25km on scenic forest trails and quiet roads – Trail Run – 5km on lochside forestry trails

For full details go to their website: http://cairngormadventuretriathlon.org/

Grantown Try Tri

takes place in early September and is open to people of all shapes, sizes and ages. The event has won Triathlon Scotland’s most enjoyable event in 2009 and 2012. Registration for 2015 will start soon. We’ll be there – do join us. Accommodation packages will be available at Fraoch Lodge. For full details: www.try-tri.co.uk

Glenmore 24 Trail Race

takes place at the beginning of September. Entries are open for 2015. 2014 places sold out. Please contact us if you are interested in an accommodation, meals if you wish and transport package around the event which also offers camping at the Hayfield. Their website is: http://www.glenmore24.com/


– Aviemore Triathlon

took place in mid-September 2014. Check for 2015 dates. Further details here: http://www.aviemorehalfmarathon.org/

Cairngorm Hill and Trail Race

early October. Organised by Cairngorm Runners. Approx. 22km with almost 900m of ascent (subject to change if adverse weather on day). Full water proof body cover and whistle required. Multi terrain forest tracks, steep muddy trails, boulder fields, exposed hill tops, some challenging descent. Shorter distance also available. For full details: http://www.cairngormrunners.org/joomla/races/185-cairngorm-hills-trails

Aviemore Half Marathon

Be inspired by beautiful Loch Morlich and the majestic splendour of the landscape and the Cairngorm Mountains. Experience running through the ancient Caledonian Pines of Glenmore Forest. Challenge your personal best on this downhill route from Badaguish to Aviemore. Takes place, mid-October. Entries closed for 2014. Register for 2015 as soon as you can. Further details: http://www.aviemorehalfmarathon.org/

Not so active? Want to accompany your partner but don’t want to race/hike/run/cycle? See next week’s blog.

Next: sites to see & crafts to try in the autumn

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