Exploring Wild Knoydart for the kids
We were a small but select group on our visit to Knoydart this year in the second week of May. We numbered 6 in total for our stay at Glaschoille house. There was a slight hiccough when we were informed that the house no longer had its own vehicle to offer. Horrific images of extra long walk ins or high taxi bills drifted in front of Andy’s eyes, but Bob (our boat driver) was quickly able to dispel them. Between them, the locals managed to sort something out for us.
The boat ride in was a little choppy but dry. We unloaded on the pier but inevitably for arrival we had more stuff than a landrover could hold. I cycled up to the house; a welcome quiet 2 mile ride in, except that I was also towing Gregor’s bike which kept coming off the gator bar and dragging me to a stop.
When we arrived, Gregor (then age 4 1/2) bounced round the house like a jelly bean on speed. He rushed in and made himself at home unpacking all his toys, books and clothes into the drawers and cupboards in his room. Unfortunately in his desperation to get cosy he found his Daddy’s bag, assuming it was his, and threw everything out in a frantic search for his going away teddy. Once order was restored we could get dinner ready.
In between baking bread,preparing dinner and laying out cake o’clock cakes we also: painted stones, explored the beach, went crabbing, went “rock climbing” as designated by a four-year old (more like rock hopping for an adult), cycled along to the cafe and explored the sand beach at the other end of Inverie. Though Gregor would not have walked all the way to the village, he was perfectly happy speeding along on his bike and I reckon we could (given time) have climbed all the way to the village as there were limitless opportunties for entertainment on the shore.
Guided walking in Knoydart
The support team travel to Knoydart to ensure the comfort of the hikers. There are still opportunities to join the group or enjoy our hospitality for the week. You don’t have to join the hiking group for their all day hikes in the hills. Knoydart is an extremely relaxing place to be with a much slower pace of life. Though broadband has reached the village of Inverie, the effect of being out on a wee peninsula only reachable by boat or to hikers, is that the worries of constant mobile contact with the outside world seem very remote and disconnected with real everyday life.
The hikers explore more of the views from high up; they are more likely to see eagles; and they visit the Cafe at the end of the road but there are also opportunities to go mountain biking, to explore the beach, to go cragging, to search for sea shells, to go on a wildlife cruise and potentially to go pony trekking (if re-established).
Availability for partners and non-hikers is dependent on uptake on the hiking itinerary.
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